In their hurry, they dropped a magazine that the police have seized. The assailants then took motorcycle of Manminder, parked unlocked near the fields for fleeing. Suddenly, without warning, the assailants flashed pistols and fired at him from point-blank range. The killers and Maninder even had a conversation for 1-2 minutes, according to the witnesses. The labourers have also told the police that the two men seemed known to Manminder, greeted him and even shook hands with him. On Sunday morning, Manminder was working in the fields near his house when two men came to meet him, according to farm labourers who were working nearby and witnessed the crime. Manminder had visited Panjab University a few days ago for Gandhi Group Student Union’s panel announcement, ahead of PU Student Council polls. He was a former president of Panjab University Students Union (PUSU), Chandigarh, as well. He faced cases of attempt to murder, assault and possession of illegal weapons. Rupinder Gandhi, shot dead in 2003, in a gang war, was the founder of Gandhi Group Student Union (GGSU). He had also sponsored another movie, ‘Rupinder Gandhi - The gangster’ that was released in 2015. The release date was postponed from August 25 after the Dera verdict was scheduled for that date.

Manvinder had produced a film on the life of his murdered brother titled ‘Rupinder Gandhi - the Robin Hood’ that is scheduled for release on September 8. This case was registered after he shot at a gangster, Lakhi, the man he suspected had murdered his brother. Police also claim that the motive behind the killing is suspected to be old rivalry as Manminder was facing several cases, including for attempt to murder.

He was rushed to Satguru Partap Singh Hospital in Ludhiana, but could not survive. The assailants pumped three bullets into Manvinder, also known as Mindi, from point-blank range, the police said. Two unidentified assailants shot dead Manvinder Gandhi, former sarpanch of Rasoolra village of Khanna and elder brother of murdered gangster Rupinder Gandhi, at fields outside his home in Rasoolpur village of Khanna on Sunday morning.